Kozmic Blues #264, 25. 5. 2015.

Kozmic Blues #264, 25. 5. 2015.

ppns 2. jun

Pregled aktuelnih izdanja i reizdanja: rock’n’roll, pop, psych, garage, surf, punk, r’n’b, country i folk sa povremenim izletima u vintage soul, funk pa i elektroniku...

Autor: Aleksandar Šomođi


Kozmic Blues #264 [25.05.2015.] by Kozmicblues_Radioshow on Mixcloud


Vreme ne postoji...

01. Nick Cave - From Her To Eternity / Live at the Royal Albert Hall / Live Here Now
02. Robert Smith - There’s a Girl in the Corner (The Twilight Sad cover) / It Never Was The Same 7’’ / FatCat
03. B Strane - Oštećeni / soundcloud.com/b-strane
04. Ti - Vreme ne postoji / Život u dvoje / grupati.bandcamp.com
05. Destroyer - Dream Lover / Poison Season / Merge/Dead Oceans
06. Paul Weller - Pick It Up / Saturns Pattern / Parlophone
07. Jim O’Rourke - Friends With Benefits / Simple Songs / Drag City

Rose Windows - Rose Windows / Sub Pop
08. Bodhi Song
09. Come Get Us Again

10. Banditos - No Good / Banditos / Bloodshot
11. Alabama Shakes - Miss You / Sound & Color / ATO/Rough Trade
12. Hollis Brown - Sweet Tooth / 3 Shots / Jullian
13. Heartless Bastards - Black Cloud / Restless Ones / Partisan
14. Heavy Trash - Wet Book / Noir! / Bronze Rat

KONCERT >>> Bad Music For Bad People predstavlja:
The Gories (USA) > 26. maj >> Dom omladine, Beograd
podrška: Bag Of Dicks i Stuttgart Online
15. The Gories - I Think I’ve Had It / Houserockin’ / Crypt

16. Spoon - TV Set (The Cramps cover) / Various Artists - Poltergeist OST / Headz
17. Thee Oh Sees - Sticky Hulks / Mutilator Defeated at Last / Castle Face
18. Mbongwana Star - Coco Blues / From Kinshasa / World Circuit
19. The Deslondes - Fought The Blues And Won / The Deslondes / New West
20. Giant Sand feat. The Common Linnets - Man On A String / Heartbreak Pass / New West
21. Fraser A. Gorman - Broken Hands / Slow Gum / House Anxiety/Marathon Artists
22. Jason Isbell - How to Forget / Something More Than Free / Southeastern

KONCERT >>> Bad Music For Bad People predstavlja:
Amy LaVere & Will Sexton (USA) > 27. maj >> KC Grad, Beograd
23. Amy LaVere & Will Sexton - Lesson / Hallelujah I’m A Dreamer / Archer

24. Those Pretty Wrongs - Lucky Guy / Lucky Guy b/w Fool Of Myself 7’’ / Burger


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