Today we review best new blues rock from all around the world. From Sweden we have new tunes from Black River Delta. From UK, Chris Turpin and Stephanie Jean are back with the new record as Ida Mae. Also from UK, we check out the new artist Kat Eaton. From Italy, we introduce Elli De Mon. David Bowie’s collaborator Earl Slick has cool new tunes as well. And from Tennessee, the home country of blues rock, we check out Yola from Nashville and from Memphis area, Cedric Burnside (grandson on RL Burnside and son of Calvin Jackson). Finally, we check out Los Lobos in a Don Juan Mancha standard from their newest cover album.
Stanislav Žabić
Ekskluzivno iz Ohaja za Šumadiju i čitav prostor bivše SFRJ - emitovanje iz Klivlenda, Atine i Kragujevca.
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