12. jun

12. jun


1468 - Juan del Encina, composer
1526 - Marc-Antoine de Muret, composer
1842 - Rikard Nordraak, composer
1857 - Achille Simonetti, composer
1874 - Willem Louis Frederic Landre, composer
1876 - Narciso Garay, composer
1881 - Juan de Hernandez, composer
1885 - Werner Erich Josten, Elberfeld Germany, composer (Jungle)
1892 - John Donald Robb, composer
1897 - Alexandre Tansman, Lodz Poland, composer (Dyptique)
1900 - Amadeo Roldan, composer
1903 - Emmett Hardy, American musician (d. 1925)
1904 - Eino Roiha, composer
1907 - Giorgio Nataletti, composer
1909 - Archie Bleyer, Corona NY, orchestra leader (Arthur Godfrey)
1909 - Mansel Treharne Thomas, composer
1912 - Eddie Williams, blues/Jazz Bassist
1914 - Peter Lancelot Williams, dance journalist
1914 - Bill Kenny, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, singer (The Bill Kenny Show), (d. 2012)
1922 - Leif Thybo, composer
1928 - Richard Sherman, composer/lyricist (Mary Poppins)
1928 - Vic Damone, [Vito Farinola], Bkln, singer (Street Where You Live)
1932 - Jim Nabors, Sylacauga Al, actor/singer (Gomer Pyle)
1941 - Chick Corea, Chelsea Mass, jazz pianist (Delhpi I, Toy Dance)
1941 - Roy Harper, Manchester, rocker (Folkjokeopus)
1941 - Reg[inald] Presley, [Ball], rock vocalist (Troggs-Wild Thing), (d. 2013)
1941 - Roy Harper, English musician
1942 - Len Barry, [Leonard Borisoff], Philadelphia, American rocker (1-2-3-Dovells)
1944 - Howard Cowart, rocker
1944 - Maurice Jackson, US singer (Independents-Leaving You)
1948 - Barry Bailey, Doraville Ga, rocker (Atlanta Rhythm Section)
1951 - Bun E Carlos, [Brad Carlson], rock drummer (Cheap Trick-Dream Police)
1951 - Brad Delp, guitarist (Boston-More Than a Feeling)
1952 - Dale Krantz, singer (Rossington-Collins Band)
1952 - Oliver Knussen, Glasgow Scotland, composer (Chicara)
1952 - Pete Farndon, English musician (The Pretenders) (d. 1983)
1953 - Rocky Burnette, Memphis, rock vocalist (Towing the Line)
1958 - Rebecca Holden, American actress and singer
1959 - John Linnell, American musician (They Might Be Giants)
1962 - Paul Clark, English musician (The Bolshoi)
1965 - Cindy Lee Berryhill, US singer/songwriter (Baby)
1965 - Filip Topol, Czech musician and writer
1968 - Bobby Sheehan, American musician (Blues Traveler) (d. 1999)
1969 - Zsolt Daczi, Hungarian guitarist (Omen, Bikini) (d. 2007)
1977 - Kenny Wayne Shepherd, American blues-rock guitarist
1982 - Ben Blackwell, American musician
1983 - Josh Dies, American author and musician (Showbread)
1985 - Tasha-Ray Evin, Canadian musician (Lillix)
1985 - Chris Young, American musician
1992 - DiMeco American musician and actress (The Naked Brothers Band)

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