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1723 - Giuseppe Scarlotti, composer
1744 - Augustin Holler, composer
1757 - Ignaz Joseph Pleyel, composer
1780 - Michael Henkel, composer
1820 - Martin Andreas Udbye, composer
1822 - Henry David Leslie, composer
1850 - Richard Heuberger, composer
1892 - Edward Steuermann, composer
1901 - Jimmy Dale, Bronx NYC, orchestra leader (Sonny & Cher)
1903 - Jeanette MacDonald, Phila, American actress and singer (When I’m Calling You), (d. 1965)
1904 - Manuel Rosenthal, Paris France, composer (Bootleggers)
1905 - Eduard Tubin, composer
1906 - Kay Kyser, Rocky Mount NC, orchestra leader (Kay Kyser’s Kollege)
1907 - Benny Payne, Phila, pianist (Billy Daniels Show)
1910 - Ray McKinley, Fort Worth Tx, orchestra leader/drummer (Glenn Miller Time)
1913 - Sammy Cahn, lyricist (3 Coins in a Fountain)
1915 - Victor Legley, composer
1917 - Akhmet Jevdet Ismail Hajiyev, composer
1918 - Bob Carroll, singer/actor (Stage Two Revue, Stranger)
1922 - Claude Helffer, French pianist (d. 2004)
1925 - Herman "Ace" Wallace, blues guitarist/singer
1927 - Simeon Pironkov, composer
1933 - Tommy Hunt, US singer (Flamingos-Lovers Never Say Goodbye)
1938 - Don "Sugarcane" Harris, rocker/actor (Soup for 1, Greeased Lightning)
1942 - Hans Vonk, Dutch conductor
1942 - Paul McCartney, Liverpool UK, English musician and member of The Beatles
1942 - Carl Radle, American bass guitarist (d. 1980)
1943 - Raffaella Carrà, Italian singer
1944 - Paul Lansky, composer
1944 - Sandy Posey, American singer
1947 - Douglas Young, composer
1948 - Éva Marton, Hungarian operatic soprano
1949 - Prince Lincoln Thompson, Jamaican musician (d. 1999)
1952 - Rickey Gazda, rocker
1953 - Jerome Smith, US guitarist (KC & the Sunshine Band-Boogie Shoes)
1954 - William Beard, rock drummer (Face To Face)
1957 - Tom Bailey, England, rocker (Thompson Twins-Doctor Doctor)
1958 - Daniels Koran, saxophonist (Atlantic Star-Touch a 4 Leaf Clover)
1961 - [Genevieve] Alison Moyet, Essex England, rock vocalist (Yaz, Alf)
1963 - Darren "Dizzy" Reed, US musician (Guns n’ Roses-Sweet Girl of Mine)
1969 - Pål Pot Pamparius, Norwegian musician (Turbonegro)
1971 - Nathan Morris, [Alex Vanderpool], Phila Pa, rapper (Boyz II Men)
1975 - Jemma Griffiths, Welsh singer-songwriter
1976 - Blake Shelton, American Country Singer
1980 - Ivana Wong, Hong Kong singer and songwriter
1989 - Renee Olstead, American singer and actress

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