29. jun

29. jun


1738 - Constantin Reindl, composer
1783 - August Alexander Klengel, composer
1842 - Josef Labor, composer
1850 - Joseph Paul Skelly, composer
1864 - Anton Beer-Walbrun, composer
1870 - Joseph Carl Breil, composer
1874 - Georg Gohler, composer
1881 - Curt Sachs, German musicologist (d. 1959)
1885 - Andre Gailhard, composer
1886 - George Frederick Boyle, composer
1893 - Aare Merikanto, composer
1897 - Ottmar Gerster, composer
1901 - Hendrik Diels, Flemish conductor
1908 - Rene Gerber, composer
1909 - Leroy Anderson, US, composer (Syncopated Clock)
1910 - Franc Henry Loesser, US songwriter/composer (Most Happy Fella)
1911 - Bernard Herrmann, New York City, New York, American composer (The Devil and Daniel Webster, Taxi Driver)
1912 - Jose Pablo Moncayo Garcia, Guadalajara Mexico, composer (Huapango)
1914 - Rafael Kubelik, Bychory Czechoslovakia, conductor (Cornelia Farooli)
1923 - Chou Wen-Chung, Cheefoo China, composer (Mode of Shang)
1924 - Ezra Laderman, NYC, composer (Jacob & the Indians)
1924 - Flo Sandon’s, Italian singer (d. 2006)
1925 - Hale Smith, composer
1929 - Michio Mamaia, composer
1934 - Henning Kronstam, dancer
1936 - Leonard Lee, US vocalist (Shirley & Lee-Let the Good Times Roll)
1938 - Billy Storm, singer (Valiants-This is the Night)
1938 - Edmund Falkiner, jazz saxophinist/probation officer
1940 - Viacheslav Artyomov, composer
1943 - Roger Ruskin Spear, London England, saxophonist (Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band)
Pop Singer Little EvaPop Singer Little Eva (1943)
1943 - Little Eva (Eva Boyd), Belhaven, North Carolina, American pop singer (Locomotion)
1945 - Johnnie Richardson, rocker (Johnnie & Joe)
1948 - Bill Kirchen, singer/guitarist (Commander Cody & His Lost Planet)
1948 - Ian Paice, British hard rock drummer(White Snake, Deep Purple)
1948 - Loncoln Gordon, rocker
1953 - Billy Hinsche, rocker
1953 - Don Dokken, heavy metal rocker (Dokken-Alone Again)
1953 - Colin Hay, Kilwinning, Scotland, Scottish-Australian guitarist and singer (Men At Work)
1957 - Robert Forster, Australian musician
1961 - Greg Hetson, American punk-rock guitarist
1963 - Anne-Sophie Mutter, Rheinfeldin Germany, violinist (Berlin Phil)
1964 - Stedman Pearson, Essex, rock vocalist (Five Star-Silk & Steel)
1965 - Barry D, [Iain Bakker], English pop musician (Jesus Jones)
1965 - Tripp Eisen, American musician
1967 - Murray Foster, Canadian musician
1971 - Matthew Good, Canadian musician
1972 - Nawal Al Zoghbi, Lebanese singer
1976 - Bret McKenzie, New Zealand musician
1978 - Sam Farrar, American bassist
1978 - Nicole Scherzinger, American singer and actress
1979 - Abs Breen, English singer
1979 - Barış Akarsu, Turkish singer and actor (d. 2007)
1980 - Katherine Jenkins, Welsh soprano
1983 - Aundrea Fimbres, American singer
1984 - Derek Lee Rock, American drummer
1986 - Austin Drage, English singer
1993 - George Sampson, English dancer

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