Rivers Cuomo - Alone; Alone II: The Home Recordings of Rivers Cuomo (Albums 2007, 2008)

Rivers Cuomo - Alone; Alone II: The Home Recordings of Rivers Cuomo (Albums 2007, 2008)

Alone: The Home Recordings of Rivers Cuomo


0:00 Ooh
0:47 The World We Love So Much
4:26 Lemonade
6:57 The Bomb
8:15 Buddy Holly
11:15 Chess
13:41 Longtime Sunshine
16:56 Blast Off!
18:53 Who You Callin’ Bitch?
19:39 Wanda (You’re My Only Love)
23:16 Dude We’re Finally Landing
24:12 Superfriend
27:42 Lover in the Snow
30:58 Crazy One
34:11 This is the Way
38:28 Little Diane
41:08 I Wish You Had An Axe Guitar
41:44 I Was Made For You

All credit to Rivers Cuomo & Geffen

Alone II: The Home Recordings of Rivers Cuomo 


0:00 Victory on the Hill
0:50 Lemonade
3:22 Don’t Worry Baby
6:21 Negativland
7:21 Chess
9:47 Buddy Holly
12:48 The Purification of Water
16:45 When You’re Alone
17:38 Lisa
20:45 You Gave Your Love To Me Softly
22:52 Susanne
25:39 Let Me Wash At Your Sink
28:16 Walt Disney
31:07 I’ll Think About You
34:08 I’m So Lonely
34:27 Tired of Sex
37:02 Superfriend
40:33 Getchoo
43:43 Waiting on you
47:05 There Is No Other One
50:06 Longtime Sunshine
53:19 Defeat on the Hill
54:09 Wanda (You’re My Only Love)
57:47 Clarinet Waltz 

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