GMO OMG director and concerned father Jeremy Seifert is in search of answers. How do GMOs affect our children, the health of our planet, and our freedom of choice? And perhaps the ultimate question, which Seifert tests himself: is it even possible to reject the food system currently in place, or have we lost something we can’t gain back? These and other questions take Seifert on a journey from his family’s table to Haiti, Paris, Norway, and the lobby of agra-giant Monsanto, from which he is unceremoniously ejected. Along the way we gain insight into a question that is of growing concern to citizens the world over: what’s on your plate?
U dokumentarnom filmu GMO OMG reditelj Džeremi Sejfert istražuje kako će gubitak različitih vrsta semena i genetska promena hrane, kao jedan od najvećih eksperimenata današnjice, uticati na njegovu decu, kvalitet hrane i slobodu izbora širom sveta.
- Film „GMO OMG” Džeremija Sajferta možda je najvažniji dokumentarac ne samo ove godine. Trebalo bi da ga svi pogledaju pre nego što se opredele u vezi sa genetski modifikovanom hranom, zato što na činjenično argumentovan, moderan i zanimljiv način pokušava da nas podstakne da nešto preduzmemo u pogledu kvaliteta hrane koju jedemo – ističe Boris Malagurski, reditelj dokumentaraca „Težina lanaca”, „Pretpostavka pravde”, „Beograd”
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